Sunday, September 18, 2005

Welcome! We've decided it is time to join the party, so here it is - Dave and Esther's Blog!

First, here are some pics from our wedding on August 20th. It was an absolutely wonderful (though a bit non-traditional) celebration! We had a wagon-ride, fun! After our wedding, we headed out East for a 3 week honeymoon, which was great.

We're now just in the process of getting ready for the next part of our adventure together! We leave for New Zealand on September 27th, and arrive on the 30th - hopefully we don't go nuts on the long plane rides! We will spend 1 week in Auckland, and then head to almost the tip of the South Island to work at a camp for about a month.

We have contacts with another camp in New Zealand where we will start in February. The rest of the time we plan to work, travel and learn a ton about being married! It should be fun!

We will try to update our site as often as possible, so please check in on us! We would love to hear from you!


At 8:18 a.m., Blogger Jen Galicinski said...

EsDave! sooooooo glad you finally joined the blogger world! i am so excited for you guys.... looks like we're flying out in the same week....crazy...did you get the pics i sent you?

God Bless on your travels!

At 10:13 a.m., Blogger andrew said...

Can't wait for more updates. Have a great time in NZ.


At 10:06 a.m., Blogger Kingfisher said...

Esther and Dave: Hi! I wanted to tell you that Gregg and I had a wonderful time at your wedding - it was so much fun for everyone! We loved every part of it and how all aspects brought such glory to God and we know that is exactly what you wanted to do.
We are so much enjoying all your updates. It is great to hear that your trip to N.Z. went perfectly. We'll look forward to hearing about Auckland. Love and Prayers Mary.


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