Friday, March 07, 2008

Just got back last night from our Gr. 9-11 School Trip to Cayos Cochinos and La Ceiba. It was a really great time. We were supposed to go last weekend, but it didn't happen because of bad weather. Dave sadly wasn't able to go with the change in dates, because we are now into full-on teams at the camp. The trip was from 1 am Sunday night until about 7pm Wednesday night, with not a lot of sleep in between! They actually cancelled classes today to let everyone recuperate - for me, it's time to catch up on blogging and emails!! We're looking forward to the Queen's B.Ed. students arriving on Saturday, but there's still lots to do before then!
Here's one of the boats we took to Cayos, from La Ceiba. It was about an hour trip, absolutely beautiful sunny weather!
Javier - looking slightly mischevious (I hope you are eading this, Javier!)
Beautiful crystal clear water!
At the island we stayed at. The thatched roofs you can see are the homes of the Garifuna, the people that live there.
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At 4:36 a.m., Blogger Today: In Seven said...

Stumbled in and just saying hello. That water and sky look lovely! Great photos. Keep it up!

Also, I would like to invite you to leave a comment on my blog. At my blog I ask people to tell me about their day in seven words or less. Just leave me a comment with your seven words, you can do it anonymously. If you'd rather not, then have a nice day.

At 2:23 p.m., Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

: )


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