Questions for the Opposite Sex
Questions posed by our Gr. 9-11 students in a recent discussion of relationships. Any thoughts?
Why do girls go to the bathroom together?
What type of guy do women like the most?
Why are guys so visual, they only see the outside and not the inside?
Why do girl play with guys? And why do guys let them?
Why don’t men say what they are truly feeling? Or it is difficult for them?
Why do girls get mad so easily with guys?
Why do women have to call their boyfriends so much? 5 minutes pass and they are calling again.
Why are guys so macho? Why do they disillusion you and break your heart?
Why don’t guys understand when you say no when they ask you out?
Why are boys so proud?
Do girls like “sexy” or “nice”? Can you be both?
Why do girls tell their friends everything?
Why do some girls assume that all guys are liars?
Why do people flirt if they aren’t really interested?
That is really cool that the students were able to brainstorm such truthful and interesting questions.
To answer the why girls go to the bathroom in pairs... :) I think we do that because we don't want to get lost on the way to the bathroom or back :)
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