Thursday, August 02, 2007

Here's our most recent update. If you're not on our email list and would like to be, send us an email or leave us a message on our blog.

Hello from Honduras! We trust your summer is going well, and hopefully enjoying some beautiful weather. We have returned to Honduras after a wonderful time with family and friends in Canada. We are now in our 2nd year here, and have jumped right back into lots of projects and ministries.

Campamento Cerro de Luz

Since arriving back 3 weeks ago, we’ve been very busy at the camp. First, we helped with the High School International Bilingual Camp, run by 2 teams from the United States. One highlight of the camp was seeing the new High Ropes course in action, which was built by both foreign volunteers and local Hondurans. Dave and I helped run the course each day, and it was awesome to watch many students (and leaders!) conquer their fears. The final touches on the course should be completed by September.

We are also enjoying having William and Melanie (Brittain) Walker with us. Will is a 4th year student at Briercrest Bible College and is completing his Christian Ministries Internship here. They have been a real help to us in getting things organized for the Parkdale Baptist Church team. It has been wonderful to hang out with them, even if it is only for 6 weeks!

We are super excited to have the Parkdale team arriving in a few days – August 4th! The team will be busy in many different areas, including: DVBS, camp work projects (building cabins, low ropes course, painting), Sunday School, teacher orientation and a bit of sight-seeing.

As September marks the beginning of our “slow” season at camp, please keep Dave in your prayers. While he will continue to be busy with many projects, he will spend most days working on his own, which he finds challenging. Please pray especially for him as he begins a new Spanish program, which will involve him making weekly visits to people in our community to practise his language skills.
Please pray with us for finances to finish the dormitory. Work stopped 3 months ago because of a lack of finances.

Siguatepeque Bilingual Christian School

We had a very busy end of the school year, finishing up projects and preparing for exams. Most of my students finished the year well, and some put in the special extra effort necessary to pass. Other students are spending their summers preparing for our August make-up exams, so please keep them in your prayers.

Our school continues to undergo many exciting changes, under the direction of our new Director, Silvia Umana. As we begin a new school year, please pray that students, parents and teachers will be 100% committed to the mission of our school “to facilitate the transmission of knowledge, values, and attitudes through a transforming education based on the Word of God.” Change is often a difficult process, so pray for grace and wisdom for all those involved.

While I am not officially “in school” at the moment, I continue to be very busy with school-related things. Last week, we had a team from California give a 5-day teacher training workshop, which was excellent. On August 13th, we begin our 2-week teacher orientation, which I am helping to organize. The Parkdale team will be here for the first week of the orientation as well, and we will be putting the teachers on the team to work!

I am still involved with recruiting teachers for our school. We look forward to having a very international team next year, with teachers from England, Canada, U.S.A and Honduras in the English program. We still need a kindergarten teacher and high school science teacher for the 2007-2008 school year. If you know of anyone who might be interested in either short or long-term opportunities, please have them contact me at or visit our school website

Time is moving very quickly and it is hard to believe that we have already been here for 1 year. Originally, we made a commitment to 2 years here in Honduras, which brings us to next summer. Please pray for God’s guidance as we consider the future.

Praise and Prayer

¨ Encouragement of numerous international teams at the camp and school
¨ Answer to prayer – we bought a used Isuzu Rodeo to allow for transportation to school, town and for camp supply runs.
¨ Terrific trip back to Canada - grateful for our family, friends and supporters!

¨ Continued health and safety for ourselves, teams, volunteers
¨ Growth in our spiritual lives, in our marriage, in our friendships
¨ Finances – substantial one-time needs (ie. flights, insurance, training)
¨ Learning Spanish – Dave’s new Spanish program
¨ Balance between ministry, family, work
¨ Teachers for our school (very excited about those who are coming!)
¨ Parkdale Baptist Church team
¨ Wisdom for future direction

Upcoming Events

4-19 Parkdale Baptist Church Missions Team
13-24 Teacher Orientation
27 Classes Start!

15 Independence Day Celebrations

13-14 Honduras Missionary AND Union Biblica (Scripture Union) National Conference


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