Monday, September 03, 2007

First Day of School
Well, here's a picture of me on my first day of school. It is just like when you're a little kid! Anyways, the first week went really well, and all my fears about having to teach the "bad class" have been swept away. I am using the theory about being really strict at the beginning, and then loosening up as the year goes on. It seems to be going well so far. Maybe it is just the first week "honeymoon" phase!

We went to San Perdo Sula yesterday to do some shopping, which was fun. For our anniversary, Dave bought me a much needed office chair, which we picked out yesterday. Our previous chair was the exact same as the old brown chairs at Parkdale. Fine for sitting in for an hour, but not for any extended periods of time. We actually bought our new chair at Office Depot. It is a bit funny to go to an American box store here in Honduras, but it is nice to be able to actually touch all the products. In most office supply stores here, everything is locked away or hidden behind the counter. Even the simple things like shopping can be very different here. On the other hand, it is much less tempting to buy lots of things here, because it is so much more work :)

Today we went to Orlando and Silvia's church, which was great. We took the new teachers, to introduce them to some of the people there. This afternoon, Dave is helping Ken train some of the camp leaders on the high ropes course. They are getting ready for a Gr. 6 camp which is happening in a few weeks. I am trying to get some school work done, but clearly procrastinating! Time to get at it though! I hope everyone enjoys Labour Day tomorrow!
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