Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Abby, Lizzy and Hannah and their "house". Really, more of a mansion, with its fancy swimming pool and diving board (See black garbage bag creation!)
Sawdust carpets in Comayagua for Easter. We went again this year, but we went a day earlier and got to see some of them being made, which was really cool.

After helping dye the sawdust, Dave's hands remained very blue for a few days! A little Smurf-like!
Posted by PicasaLooking slightly sleepy :) On Good Friday, Dave and I headed to San Pedro to drop off part of one team, and pick up the next team. We had a few hours in between, so we headed to the mall to catch a movie and go out for dinner, which was great. It was nice to have some time together, just the two of us, during this very busy season of groups!


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