Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dad, Elisabeth and Nathan on the new catamaran sailboat. New, as in, new to us! Think it was built in the 70s, but it is very fun to use when the wind is up.
Picture of the sailboat, looking from the cottage down Buck Lake.
Dustin spent the week with us at the cottage. He was with Elisabeth and Mark for 3 weeks, giving his foster mom a break. He was super-cute!
Mom, Elisabeth, Nathan and Dustin on the paddleboat - also new to us! My dad has a "boat-buying" problem!!
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At 2:46 p.m., Blogger Katharine Marrow said...

I've never heard of anyone with a boat buying problem!!!

At 2:02 p.m., Blogger Megan said...

My dad has the same problem too! (We even have one or two that don't float!) Good to see what you guys have been up to. Let me know if you're in Toronto anytime soon!


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