Monday, October 10, 2005

2 More Islands - Waiheke and the South!

Sorry to those of you who have been keeping up with our blog for our recent disappearance. We left Auckland on Friday for Waiheke Island, a 35 minute ferry ride outside of the city. We had a great weekend there, and will be sure to post pictures as soon as we can. We saw the most beautiful beaches of our lives, explored underground tunnels left over from WWII, and saw a serious amount of NZ sheep! It was terrific.

We also had our first experience driving, which was fun. We both practised staying on the left-hand side of the road and navigating the many roundabouts (or traffic circles). We now feel more prepared for our upcoming big purchase - a car! After looking into tons of transportation options, we have decided it's the most economical, and gives us the freedom to explore off the beaten track.

We left Waiheke on Sunday and we flew to Christchurch, where we have a day of car shopping planned. My personal vote is for an '87 Honda, just to bring back memories of my beloved Eva. And for $650 NZ (around $500 CDN), you can't really go wrong. So, anyone praying for us, can keep that in mind this week. We also hope to buy a mobile phone (no one calls them "cell phones" here) so we'll make sure to post that, in case anyone wants to drop a few bucks on a phone call to us :)

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We celebrated with lamb and sweet potatoes - I must say I missed the craziness of our Hannah gatherings! We have no complaints though, as our trip has been wonderful so far. We're truly grateful for this experience and we're learning a ton. God continues to teach us to trust him, in the big and the little things, and to love eachother more. Thanks for the support and prayers. We would love to hear from you.


At 5:27 p.m., Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Weird Uncle Dave & Cool Aunt Esther!!!

I have a tooth! It's my first one and still really little but I look pretty darned cute, if I do say so myself! I also have my first cold so it's been a little tough to sleep recently... My parents are pooped! Glad to know you are having a great time - we loved your photos and are glad to know you are happy and enjoying married life!

Keep in touch!
Sammy Sameroo (and mom & dad!)

At 1:53 p.m., Blogger Jen Galicinski said...


i'm in korea! it's been good so far - check out my blog - ...glad to hear you guys are having so much fun...

miss and love you,

At 5:25 a.m., Blogger Steve Heidt said...

Hey Dave and Esther!

This blog is awesome! It is so great to hear your experiences first hand! New Zealand sounds a lot like Nevis! Driving on the left, figuring out roundabouts (although we only have need for one roundabout) and lots of sheep!!! Does NZ have goats too!

If you could get another Eva that would be sweet! In 2 months I will be back home and crusing around Belle-vegas with Eva so hopefully she will not get too jealous between now and then.

That is great that you had Thanksgiving. I saw some of the pictures on your Shutterfly site. They are great. We had a Thanksgiving party here with like 25 people but in typical Caribbean fashion a big storm came through right as we started eating and knocked out the power until the morning. So we partied by candlelight. Anyways I think it is poor blogging form to make the comments longer then the actual posts so write more next time so I can comment more. We love you both lots and can't wait to read the next update.

Love, Steve and Alison


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