Sunday, March 19, 2006

Last week was jam packed with hosting and instructing school groups. We continue to enjoy our jobs, but after a few 12 hour days, we were ready for a weekend off! After work on Friday afternoon, we headed out on the lake with Ian and Bevan (father and son staff members). They showed us the sights, from island caves to modern Maori carvings. We all enjoyed crashing through the waves, though our butts have been pretty sore since!

Tonight, we returned from a wonderful weekend on the East Coast. We spent Saturday in Hamilton (so many of the city names here are the same!), shopping and enjoying a walk along the river. We headed to Raglan, a coast town, on Saturday night. We stayed at a Christian camp located on the top of a cliff, overlooking a famous surfing beach. Today, we relaxed at the beach - swimming in the ocean, reading our books, enjoying life. A perfect way to spend our days off!

In other news, Dave began his first commissioning this week - for his photographs! After seeing some of his amazing shots, the Directors asked him to take some pictures around the camp for the new website. You can check them out in Our Photo Album, along with some of his stunning sunset pictures. (Can you tell I'm a fan?)

I also received some exciting news this week - the list of my classes for next year! I will be teaching Grade 9 and 11 English, Grade 10 Psychology and some remedial work with elementary students. I'm very happy with my classes, and grateful for all of your prayers! I already purchased the novels for my English classes - for being a bit of a slacker in university, teaching brings out my "keener" side.

We have a phone meeting/interview with the Director of LAM this week. It takes place on Monday at 3:30 pm Belleville/Kingston time, so we appreciate the prayers. We imagine we'll be discussing where things are at with our applications, as well as the next steps in raising support, orientation, etc. We will keep you up-to-date on how things go. We hope things are well with you, wherever you are. We'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy the pictures!


At 1:39 a.m., Blogger rab said...

I still remember the first time I saw evidence of Dave's photographic genius! He was sitting in our living room showing us some shots he had taken on one of his world-travelling adventures. Amazing. Just one of Dave's many wonderful attributes.

Trust all will go well with your interviews. Of course, they'd have to be insane not to see the blessing you guys would be to the endeavour!

At 2:04 p.m., Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Hey Auntie Esther & Unc Dave!

Lots to chat about - Dave, are you still checking your windy email? Send me a note at and I'll pass along tons of photos and oh-so-hilarious videos of Sam Sam!

Take Care,

At 2:25 p.m., Blogger dawna said...

sounds like the adventure continues to bring you both much joy and excitement. i'm just catching up on your exploits... good luck with your interviews and god bless!


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