Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hurricane Felix

Hey everyone! You may have been watching the news and heard Hurricane Felix is headed towards Honduras, so wanted to let you know that we are safe and sound! We are quite far up in the mountains, so it looks like the storm will lose a lot of its power by the time it gets to us. Our area has been put on alert, which means no school today. It feels like a snow day, but without the cold :) We probably won't experience anything until this afternoon or tonight. It is actually a beautiful day outside right now. Please do pray for protection for us and for the country. In many ways, Honduras is still recovering from Hurricane Mitch, so I think that's why many people here are afraid. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers :) We'll update again soon.

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At 5:53 a.m., Blogger Roberta Simmons said...

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At 5:56 a.m., Blogger Roberta Simmons said...

Esther & Dave,
We have been keeping an eye on Felix as it bears down on Honduras. We are keeping you and everyone else at camp in prayer as you wait this out... for safety for everyone, for minimum wind and rain damage, and for the deep peace of Christ in your hearts and spirits as this passes over you. Hope to see you again soon!
Roberta Simmons (KINGSTON Tennessee) with the "Rocky Top" group from March 07

At 6:47 a.m., Blogger rab said...

We have been praying for your safety and will continue to do so. We appreciate the update.


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