Friday, April 14, 2006

Hi friends!

It has been a great few weeks since we last wrote - filled with both lessons and adventures!! Where to begin? Well, a couple of big things in the past 2 days.

The most fun (though not necessarily the most important) - we went skydiving!!!! Yep, pretty cool, let me tell you. The city that we live close to right now is "the place to skydive" in New Zealand, so we couldn't pass up the opportunity. It is something that we have both wanted to do for a long time, but just never thought it would actually happen! Seriously, it was amazing! We jumped tandem (so, with a qualifed "jump master" strapped to us) from 12, 000 feet! Yep, that's high! I had a brief second of wanting to back out when we were sitting on the edge of the plane, with my feet literally dangling in thin air, but it was a bit late at that point! For the first 35-40 seconds you free-fall, which is super scary, and then the jump master pulls the parachute, and you float peacefully down. The view was amazing - over-top the lake, with snow-capped volcanic mountains in the background. It gets a bit scary again as you approach the ground, and realize how stinking fast the grass is coming up to meet you. Seriously, a thrilling experience!! We don't have any pictures of us actually jumping because you're not allowed to take a camera with you, but we have put up some other new pics on that you can check out.

On a more serious note, though still pretty exciting, we received the news yesterday that the Latin America Mission Board approved our application to be short-term missionaries to Honduras! Thanks for the prayers! It has really been a stretching experience for us, as we continue to learn how to depend on God. We continue to leave our dreams in His hands, trusting that His way is truly the most satisfying. The next step will be to start raising our prayer and financial support - more faith-stretching! We will be sending out an email in the next couple of weeks with details of our plans for Honduras, so if you don't receive one, let us know.

That's about it for us. For Easter, we are celebrating here at camp with a massive family camp. Tomorrow, we will help run the kids program - complete with Dave dressing up as Barrabas. Though we miss our family and friends in Canada, we continue to experience God's love, both deep and wide.


At 8:40 a.m., Blogger tigerlilytarasarahpaul said...

wow.. looks like fun
Dave your hair is getting long..

woo woo .. its april... three days until Tara is 4yrs.. and on that day Sarah and I got engaged 3 years ago.
and not long until you two come home woo woo ..

love ya .


At 10:22 p.m., Blogger Jen Galicinski said...

congrats on being official missionaries Esdave!! That is so exciting!

and holy moses you went sky diving! FUN!!!

and btw, Es, yes, i don't start till 10:30 but i don't end till 9!!! what's with you being done at 2:30?? slacker.....


At 1:52 a.m., Blogger rab said...

Wow. They APPROVED your application? Maybe they didn't read the information we sent. :) Congratulations!


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