Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Last Days at LTCC

Well, the time is here again. It always sneaks up on us so unexpectedly. One minute, we're settling in to the camp routine, and the next, we're packing up and saying our good-byes. Each time we face this transition, we face a number of mixed emotions. On one hand, the difficulty of letting go, as we say good-bye to new friends, move from a comfortable place (both physcially and emotionally) to a new and challenging one. In contrast, we love the sense of newness and adventure that accompanies each change - no idea of what we'll come across in our last 5 weeks in New Zealand, excited to experience new things and meet wonderful people. Being our last camp brings another element of the bittersweet, as we know our time here is quickly coming to an end. As we look forward to reuniting with family and friends, we continue to make a conscious effort to enjoy each moment here, to not wish the last weeks away. Each sunset, each walk in the woods, each glint of sunshine on the lake - a blessing. We trust God will appear to you as well, as you search for Him in the precious moments of life.


At 7:26 p.m., Blogger Jen Galicinski said...

aw thanks Esdave.....that could have been a "precious moments" card or something..... (see your last line)

i miss you guys.......!


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