Monday, August 07, 2006


Yep, we're here and loving it so far. After waiting for about 5 hours in the El Salvador airport, we boarded the plane for our 30 minute flight to San Pedro Sula. After touch-down, we headed through immigration with no problems, and picked up our baggage - and it was all there! Definite answer to prayer!

David, the English Director at the school, and his wife picked us up at the airport. We stayed at a hotel in San Pedro Sula that night, as well as having our first Honduran meal. I had a House Salad (ensalada de casa) which isn't very exciting but Dave went for the fajitas, and thoroughly enjoyed them.

In the morning, we stopped at a few stores in town, and then headed to Siguatepeque. It took us about 2 hours, and gave us a great opportunity to see some of the Honduran landscape. One highlight for both of us was passing a gorgeous natural lake, set in a valley. Ken and Sue know the owners of the Yacht Club there, and already tried out some sailing - we're hoping to get back there soon. While the drive was beautiful, we also began to see some of the impoverished areas of Honduras. Small tin shacks lined the highway, with large families gathered outside. I always find it difficult to see people living with very little, though we are encouraged by seeing people help in various ways.

We arrived at the Vissers in the early afternoon, which was wonderful! We quickly settled in, and felt immediately "at home". After lunch, we went on a tour of town, including the market which was a great experience. Though our Spanish needs some serious work, I can already imagine us picking up our vegetables and fruit there. We also saw the outside of the school, and we are returning today to register the kids and to hopefully pick up some textbooks for me.

We also went on a tour of the camp yesterday, which was amazing! Seriously, it is hard to explain in words, so we will make sure to get some pictures up as soon as possible. But, the views are absolutely amazing - 360 degrees, as the camp property is the entire top of a hill. We also went on a tour of what we are pretty sure will become our house - we showed some of you a picture of it before. It will take a little bit to get it ready, as it doesn't have a lot of furniture, or some key items like a stove and fridge, but it has serious potential. And, it has a guest room, if anyone wants to come and visit :) It is very exciting for us, as we haven't ever had a place that is "ours". Until the house is ready, we will be staying at the Vissers, which is a 5 minute walk from the camp.

Well, hopefully that gives you a good idea of life here. We will do our very best to get some pics up as soon as possible (our camera is currently in David's van - the one thing we forgot to unload). Until then, hasta luego (see you later)!