Sunday, October 16, 2005

South Island Adventures!

Hi everyone! We've been having a great time travelling around in our car. We spent the past couple of days driving down the East Coast of the South Island, and we're now in Dunedin - the second biggest city in the south.

In terms of adventures, there have been a few so far. First, there was the cow in the middle of the skinniest mountain road ever! Dave did a great job of trying to slowly move past it, while I tried to hide under my seat. We later found out the place we met the cow was called "Wild Cattle Hill" - very fitting!

Second adventure with the animal world was seeing penguins! In the wild, not at a zoo! It was great. They were actually yellow-eyed penguins, which are fairly rare, but we were staying near one of their nesting spots in New Zealand. They were smaller than we imagined, and had a serious waddle going on - we'll show you our impressions when we get back to Canada. We're really sorry that we don't have any new pictures up to show you, but we've been having some trouble downloading from our camera. We will keep trying though, so don't give up!

We made a few luxury purchases this week - new pillows and actual towels! The camping versions are great when you're living out of a backpack, but now that we have a car, we've upgraded our lifestyle a little! Don't worry though, we're still living the hippy life. We might have to invest in some new jeans though - wearing the same ones every day ages them quickly!

We also bought a mobile phone, at the request of some parents who miss us :) Just kidding, we love being able to keep in touch. We would also love to hear from you, if you can spare some change! And, it's free for us to receive calls, so ring away! From North America, dial
001 64 27 337 1822. We are 17 hours ahead, though we'd love to talk, even if it was 3 in the morning!

Well, guess that is it for now. We're headed to the Camp Columbo (check out the website link) in a few days, so we're looking forward to making friends there and giving back. Thanks for your comments - we love hearing from you!


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