Saturday, April 07, 2007

Today we went to Comayagua, a colonial town about 20 mins away, to see the sawdust carpets they make for Good Friday. Easter celebrations are massive here, largely related to the influence of the Catholic church. As part of the processionals all over the country, families make these absolutely gorgeous sawdust carpets. It is hard to even tell from these pictures, but the entire carpets are made from fine dyed sawdust, or seeds or woodchips. It is crazy! Anyways, they make them all Thursday night, and then today people come from all over to look at them, and then tonight they will have the processionals, where they sadly walk all over the carpets! All part of the Easter traditions here. It was really cool to experience this today - definitely a new way to spend Good Friday for us.
This gives you some idea of the scope of the carpets, and the number of people that were there!

This picture is from one of our favourite carpets, made totally from natural products - seeds, beans, fruit, etc. It was absolutely gorgeous!
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