Monday, March 12, 2007

Rocky Top Tennessee!

Hi everyone. Well, we now have almost 30 university students and leaders from Tennessee and what a party! They arrived yesterday after a few adventures with not just one, but two broken down vans! They went to church this morning, and then started work projects this afternoon.

Megan Enns, a friend from Mini-Yo-We and from Queen's, also arrived with the team. She is doing her Alt Prac for her B.Ed. here. This week she will be getting things ready for 1-week of science classes at the school and then a Science camp the next week for Gr 3-9. I'm going to giver her a bit of an orientation at our school tomorrow, which should be good. Really great to have her here - always an encouragement to see a familiar face!

The not-so-great news is that my Nanna fell on the ice this week and broke her hip. She had surgery on Saturday morning and they were able to put a rod into the bone, which is a really good thing. My parents are away in California at the time though, so it's just my Aunt Judy and Uncle Cork and my brother Steve there to look after her. It is hard to be away from family when things like this happen, so pray for us. As well, for a quick recovery for her, and that she'll realize the limits of being 89!


At 3:47 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Hi Dave and Esther
Hope you can relax now that the team is gone. I am sure that a lot was accomplished while they were there. Don't forget to keep adding photos.
love ya
mom and dad


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