Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Internet Has Arrived!

Well, after a very long wait (we're talking months), we are finally connected at our house! So exciting! I guess it means that I better start updating our blog more! Sorry that I have been a bit negligent lately. It isn't for lack of interest, just time. I seem to have the Heidt trait of taking on more things that humanly possible to accomplish! Right now, the big challenge is to get ready for our upcoming recruitment trip to Canada - we leave in 9 days!! Ahh!! It is exciting though, and we're looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can. Here's our schedule, to give you an idea of when we might be in your area.

Feb 1 – Arrive in Toronto
Feb 2 – Head to Kingston
Feb 3 – Night Service at St. Peter’s
Feb 4 – Next Church/Rustle Lunch
Feb 5 – Queen’s
Feb 6 – UOIT (Durham)
Feb 7 – Heritage (Cambridge)
Feb 8 – St. Thomas )
Feb 9 – Redeemer (Hamilton)
- Head back to Belleville/Kingston
Feb 10 – Belleville/Kingston
Feb 11 – Parkdale Baptist
- Hannah/Heidt family dinner in Toronto
Feb 12 – Toronto
Feb 13 – Fly to Honduras
Feb 14 – Back to work

Phew!! I just heard that I won't be visiting U of T/OISE, because they charge for presentations, so that's a bit sad. We are prett full-on with all the rest though, so it may be a blessing in disguise. It looks like we probably need 6-7 new teachers for next year, so we really appreciate your prayers. It is a bit of a daunting task, but we are learning again to trust God and depend on His goodness and faithfulness.

We hope to see as many of you as we can, though we know our time is limited, sadly. We will be back in June for a bit longer, so hopefully that will give us more opportunities to catch up.

All right, guess that's all for now. I will do my best to update more, though it may have to wait until after the trip :)


At 2:47 a.m., Blogger rab said...

Congratulations on being connected. We're pretty excited about having you come home. Now, regarding the Next/Rustle visit. I believe that might be the Next vs. Rustle road hockey day. If so, we will expect Dave (and you, too, Esther, if you play) to be on the Rustle team. That's where your good buddy Paul would want you to be. COME OVER TO THE NON-DARK SIDE.

At 3:54 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Hi Dave and Esther
Yes we are very excited that you know have internet..since we can SKYPE and MSN. Can't wait to see you again. The count-down is on!
love mom and dad

At 3:41 p.m., Blogger Lisa said...

Hey guys, looking forward to seeing you! I just checked out your Christmas photos - wow!


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