Monday, November 27, 2006

More Pictures!

This time, from my recent class trip to Comayagua with my Grade 9 Class. It was actually a trip for their Honduran History class, but I was invited to join because they are my students, and I have never been. So, both Dave and I went and had a terrific time. The town is actually only about 3o minutes from us, but in the main plaza you feel like you are in a different world. It is a colonial city, the first capital of Honduras under Spanish rule. We visited a church built in the 1640s and the first Presidential Palace, now a museum. I loved the historical aspect of the trip and Dave enjoyed the opportunity to take some great pictures. We had a Spanish-only guide, so my students translated for us, which they enjoyed. A bit of a role-switch for all of us.

If you go to you can see the rest of the pictures, as well as some pictures of recent developments at camp! Things are happening which is really exciting. Dave's started building the roof of the dormitory, a pretty massive project. They've just extended the camp road as well, to begin building the villas - another Dave project! He is one busy man! Please pray for him, as it can be overwhelming at times, and since we live at the camp, he is constantly surrounded by things to be done.

We have also had the cable company come and do a survey for internet at the camp and our place. It would be great for us, as it will make keeping in touch a bit easier. Things tend to happen on a different timeline than we are used to here, so we are learning a lot about patience! Another prayer request :)

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Miss you all!


At 12:42 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Wow, what amazing pictures. It is making us very anxious to see you at Christmas and see the historical sites nearby! We are counting the days!
love ya
mom and dad

At 2:26 p.m., Blogger Jenni Davies said...

Wow, you pictures are amazing.

Please check your NZ bank account.

Whne you withdraw rememebr the curency conversions.

Have a great christmas.

Miss you guys Wayne and Jenni


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