Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Things seem to come in pairs these days - one good, one bad. Well, to get the bad over with - our house was broken into this past week. While Dave was away and I was staying at Ken and Sue's, someone came in through a window, and stole quite a bit. Mostly money, credit cards - replaceable things. They did take some of my jewelry, which is not actually worth a whole lot in monetary value, but priceless in sentimental worth. So, it has been a challenging week, for sure. It has shook up our sense of security for sure, but we are continuing to ask God for protection and for peace.

Ok, for the good news - I am coming to Canada in February for 10 days! Yep, quite exciting! I submitted a proposal to my school Board of Directors last week to go to Canada to do some recruiting of teachers and they accepted it. Not only have they allowed me the time away from my classes, but they are paying for my flights and a bit on top of that! So, it will be on official business trip, though I plan to sneak in a few social engagements here and there :) Anyways, I am really excited about seeing as many of you as I can, as well as recruiting some excellent teachers for down here. So, if you know anyone who might be interested, let me know!

All right, well another week full of excitement and challenges. Please pray for us as we face each trial, that we will be strengthened and not discouraged.


At 1:07 p.m., Blogger Rachel said...

I'm sorry to read about your house being broken into. We had it happen to us, too and I found it really hard to feel safe in my own home after that. May God grant you feelings of safety and security. May he protect your home against a repeat of what happened at any time in the future.

At 1:40 a.m., Blogger rab said...

Nasty to have been abused like that. Nice that it was offset by the blessing of a trip home. Bet your folks are pretty excited. Is Dave willing to let you go? Or are you planning on stuffing him in a suitcase and dragging him along.

At 5:20 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Yes, everyone who reads the blog. Esther's mom and dad are VERY VERY happy about Esther coming home.. and I hope she does stuff Dave in the suitcase.
Heather and Roger Heidt

At 5:10 p.m., Blogger tigerlilytarasarahpaul said...

sigh.. .sad news and happy news . like sweet and sour sauce..

can't wait to see you guys in feb...


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