Sunday, August 13, 2006

Life continues to be good here in Honduras. We are now on our own, as Ken and Sue and the kids left yesterday for a week holiday. It is very quiet around the house, but Ollie (dog), Jemima (cat) and the 3 turtles keep us company. We drove for the first time by ourselves yesterday afternoon. Actually, Dave drove as my standard skills need some serious work! He did a great job - driving standard in someone else's car in a foreign country can be a bit stressful, but he feels a lot better now with the first time over. This week, I will be learning to drive standard as well, but starting out at the camp, where there is no traffic!

Today we're off for a bike ride around our little community. We live a few minutes drive out of the centre of town - in the country, I guess you would call it. I wouldn't even classify the roads as dirt, as that would indicate they are somewhat flat, which is not the case! I think partly because of the heavy rain, there are massive ruts and potholes in the roads. I guess that's another factor in the driving challenge. Besides quite a few houses, there is a small pulperia (convenience store) and an elementary school in our area, and lots of barking dogs! All of the neighbours are super friendly though, and acknowledge our smiles with an "Hola" or a "Buenos dias".

We do have a mailing address, if anyone is interested. (Tim, if you are reading this, thanks so much for the NZ package - we loved it!)

Dave and Esther Bettney
Escuela Bilingue Siguatepeque
Apartado 52
Siguatepeque, Comayuga
Central America

Anyways, that's it for now. I will put up some more pictures of our house soon. Dave drew out the plans yesterday for the carepenter to build some kitchen cabinets, and we are hoping to do some painting this week.


At 4:44 p.m., Blogger tigerlilytarasarahpaul said...

ahh.. very good Dave :) its fun once you get used to it. .. its something that once you learn it... you say .. ahhhh i get it . and you can drive standard for life. ...think stair master.. ever use one of those? the hydrolic ones? when one foot is going up the other one has to go down ... well this is almost the rule for the most part with standard. ... until you get to a red light or stop sign then they are both in .. anyways.. i am not your instructor of standard driving.. sorry .

have fun .. nice to hear from you and good luck.


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