Sunday, October 29, 2006

Well, we've decided to take everyone up on their idea to stuff Dave in a suitcase and bring him back in February! Not really, but he is coming! Yep, we just found out this week. Dave's parents were originally thinking about visiting us here at that time of year, but when they found out that I was coming to Canada, they decided it would make more sense for Dave to come as well. So, we gratefully took them up on their offer! He is really looking forward to coming. He will also have some official business to take care of - recruiting volunteers for the camp! So, if anyone is interested, let us know :)

In other news, we've been keeping busy with lots of things, including painting our house. Actually, Dave has done most of the painting, as I have just finished exam week, so I'm spending my time marking - not quite as fun. Anyways, here are some pictures of some of the things Dave's built around the house and our newly painted bedroom. It's not quite finished yet because we've run out of paint twice! Who knew that concrete was so difficult to paint? Ah well, add it to our growing list of things we're learning.


At 4:18 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Your room looks so amazing. We are looking so forward to seeing you at Christmas. Do we get to stay in your fancy room?
love mom and dad


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