Sunday, October 29, 2006

A few more pictures of painter Dave!


At 5:08 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

I think these blogs should be censored. Really there is too much skin showing on my son-in-law! Hey, just kidding. And I love the colour of your room. Just don't put us in there to sleep though since it may keep us awake at night.

At 12:20 p.m., Blogger Cammell Family said...

Hi Guys

Today is compassion day here in NZ with Tear fund raising awareness about sponsorship of children in Hondurus. Obviously Ian & I started talking about you guys and how much your stay @ LTCC meant to so many and how we miss you both. I have really enjoyed your blog!!!
Can you please advise a postal address - John Le Comte has an envelope here he would like me to post to you.
God Bless
Ian, Jill & family


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