Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy New Year from Honduras! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday, celebrating the birth of our Saviour with family and friends. As we both reflect and look forward, we continue to see God’s hand upon us and want to share our journey with you.

Highs and Lows

One recent highlight was my parents’ visit. As we often miss our families, it was wonderful to celebrate Christmas with them. We visited lots of interesting places including the Mayan Ruins and the island of Utila. They also shared in our ministries, as Dad worked on some projects at the camp, and my students interviewed both of them in class.

Before Mom and Dad arrived, we spent one week in Copan taking a Spanish Language course. It was a wonderful experience, and reinforced what we are learning in our weekly lessons. Please continue to pray that we will be disciplined in our language learning, and not discouraged.

While there have been many “ups” in the past months, there have been some challenges. In October, our house was robbed while we were away. Though we lost only tangible things, it was upsetting and shook us up quite a bit. We want to thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement during that time. We praise God for His continued presence as we learn to depend on Him in all areas of our lives.

Campamento Cerro de Luz

Life continues to be “full on” (that’s for our Kiwi friends) at the camp. They are now working on the second story of the dormitory, as well as the roof. After some time concentrating on other projects, Dave is back building cabins and enjoying the challenge. While it can be lonely at times working on his own, he finds it satisfying to be able to contribute through his skills. Dave will be joined in the next few weeks by a new volunteer, James, who will be a great help.

We look forward to other mission teams arriving as we enter the new year. Dave will provide guidance to the work projects, which he is a bit nervous about! Please pray for wisdom and confidence as he takes on this responsibility. A team from Parkdale Baptist Church (Belleville, ON) is coming in early August, which is very exciting for us! My first experience with overseas missions was on a Parkdale Missions Trip in 1994, so it will be wonderful to participate from a different perspective.

Comunidad Educativa Evangelica

I continue to enjoy the challenge of teaching. At school, we are currently undergoing some major transitions. The Board recently hired Syliva Umana, a bilingual Honduran educational consultant, as the Dean. She will facilitate communication both at the school and with the Board, with a focus on returning to the school’s original vision. While there are many changes, I am thrilled to participate, as I strongly believe in both the educational, social and spiritual aims of the vision.

One of my earliest observations regarding the school was their difficulty in finding qualified and experienced teachers for the English program. In November, I submitted a proposal to the Board of Directors for a recruitment trip to Canada. The board agreed to my proposal and will be funding my trip in early February. At the moment, I have confirmed dates at Queen’s University, University of Toronto/OISE, University of Ontario (Durham), Heritage Bible College and Redeemer University College.

At the kind offer of his parents, Dave will be joining me on the trip to Canada. He will also have some “official business”, as he spreads the word about opportunity for volunteers and work teams at the camp. Please pray that God would direct our paths and open the hearts of the right people. We appreciate your help in spreading the word about these needs. If you know of any individuals who might be interested in serving, please have them contact us at

We will still return to Canada in June for a month of connecting with family, friends and supporters. I will also have the privilege of participating in Alanna Rice and Mark Cretney’s wedding on June 23rd, which can’t be missed J

Upcoming Plans

As we begin 2007, there are many exciting things in the works. We do feel at times overwhelmed in the face of so many needs and projects. Please pray for God’s wisdom as we learn to live by His strength, and not our own.

February 1-13 – Recruitment Trip to CanadaMarch and April – Work teams and C.E.E. Science Camp
May and June – Various End-of-Year School Camps
Early June - Early July – Trip to Canada
July – Work teams and Bilingual camps
Early August – Parkdale Baptist Church Missions Team

Ø Health and safety
Ø Preparations for February trip
Ø Finances - 100% monthly support and one-time needs
Ø Internet at our home
Ø Purchasing a car
Ø Relationships with each other and others
Ø Learning Spanish

Answers to Prayer
Ø Wonderful Christmas holiday with family
Ø Continued health and protection
Ø Volunteers coming to serve
Ø Bible study and developing friendships
Ø Stimulating work environments

Thank you again for your friendship and prayers. God continues to be good as we walk with Him. Please do keep in touch.

Love,Dave and Esther


At 5:24 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Hi Dave and Esther
What a wonderful update on your blog and what an amazing time we had with you over the Christmas holidays! New Year's was so great sitting on a dock watching the fireworks in the Bay of Honduras. Too bad some of us were asleep through the whole thing!!! Guess who?
love ya, mom and dad


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