Sunday, February 18, 2007

Back in Honduras!

Well, we made it back and our bodies are recovering from the shock! When we left Toronto, it was -25 (with the wind chill) and when we arrived in San Pedro, it was around +31! It rained for the first time in weeks last night, and it really was refreshing. The roads by our house were so dry, it literallyfelt like you're walking on the beach, instead of a gravel/dirt road. Apparently, this is just the beginning of the dry season though, so we're looking forward to lots of hot weather!

We did really enjoy our time in Canada - you can see pictures at We visited 6 different universities and Bible schools, as well as speaking at 3 churches! Phew! We definitely felt wiped out by the end! It was also so wonderful to be able to catch up with family and friends. We met my sister's 2 foster kids, Nathan and Faith, ( as well as my cousin's, Greg and Elicia's, first baby, Emma. After seeing lots of pictures of all of them, it was wonderful to meet them in person. And they are all adorable! We're sorry that we didn't get a chance to see everyone, but 12 days was definitely not enough! We are really looking forward to our time in June, and praying it will be a bit more relaxing.

We do feel it was a really profitable trip, and connected with lots of people interested in possibly coming to teach here. Please pray that God would continue to put this need/opportunity on people's hearts. It is so easy for us to get swept up in it all, thinking that we have to convince people, but we remind ourselves all the time that God is in control, and He will bring the right people. It reminds me of my Mini-Yo-We days, when we were always trying to find counsellors the day before camp started, but God was faithful then, and we will keep trying to trust Him in this as well.

Lots of exciting things are happening at the camp as well. Dave had a bit of a "Vision Meeting" with Ken and James (new camp volunteer) this week, and he was really encouraged by it. The dormitory continues to go full-steam ahead, and it looks great with a roof on it now! Starting March 10th, the camp will be pretty full-on for a few months with work teams from the States, as well as different school camps, etc. Please pray for strength for Dave, as well as wisdom in knowing when to take a break. We both seem to need prayer in that area!

Today and tomorrow, Dave is off helping run a leadership camp. We have a 3-year leadership program here at the camp, where young adults interested in serving at the camp come for weekend retreats, and really learn what Christian camping is about. Today, they 2nd year leaders are learning some practical skills - how to plan and set up a camping trip, planning menus and outdoor cooking, rapelling and rock climbing, etc. While it has been a bit crazy for him since we returned on Tuesday, he really loves being apart of the action! I would have loved to join them this weekend, but sadly, mid-term marks are due on Wednesday, and I have seriously large pile of marking to do! So, better get back at it! Enjoy the new pics!


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