Monday, March 26, 2007

Well, lots of things going on here right now! We've been pretty packed with 3 weeks of work teams. We have about 25 people from a church in Oregon here at the moment, working on all different types of projects at the camp and at the school.

The picture with the truck shows one of the big projects at the moment - the poles for the high ropes course! So, the teams dug and put up 18 40ft poles, with the help of our electrician friends. Here, electricians have to put up their own telephone poles, so they're experts!

The first picture is Dave and I with Randy and Sue Reid. Randy and Sue are friends from Belleville, who are working at a school in San Pedro Sula for 6 weeks. They came up to Siguatepeque by bus yesterday, and we gave them a tour of the town. We had a wonderful time - it is always fun to see familiar faces. Well, familiar to me, new to Dave :) And they left us with some maple syrup - always a appreciated gift!

The last pic is 2 of my students, Ana and Fabiola, at the Science Fair at school last week. The Gr. 10 and 11s put together the projects for the rest of the school. It was a fun day! Lots of exploding cannons, baby chicks, etc.

Check out the rest of the pictures at


At 1:33 a.m., Blogger rab said...

Good to hear how things are going there. It's starting to look a little more like spring here. None to soon for my liking!

At 7:02 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

WOW the high ropes course is on the move! We are hoping to put the low ropes course in when our team comes. Great to see Randy and Sue, good friends of ours. Glad you had a good time.
Take care
love ya
mom and dad


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