Friday, March 30, 2007

On the Homestretch!

Well, after straight weeks of work teams at the camp, things are about to return to "normal". Our 2nd team leaves tomorrow morning, headed back to Oregon. It has been wonderful having them here. They've helped with a ton of different projects at the school and the camp. It is always great getting to know some new people, and have them share in our lives here for a few weeks. But, it has been tiring! Dave has felt more of the brunt of it, as I have had to escape to our house most nights to work on school work. Dave's been starting each morning at 6:30 and returns around 9pm. Crazy! It is great though that we live at camp, because we still have been able to spend little snippets of time together, here and there.

And, in a couple of days we start Easter Break! Wohoo! We are really looking forward to having the week off, and have made plans to head to Utila to do a scuba diving course. We've found the only way for Dave to stop working is to get away from camp, so that's the plan.

We're leaving Saturday and coming back Thursday, so if we don't respond to emails, that's why. We promise to post when we get back!


At 2:54 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Hi Dave and Esther
Have a wonderful time in Utila scuba diving. You deserve a break after all you both have been doing. So just relax, enjoy spending time together and doing fun things together.
We will miss talking to you. But call us on Skype as soon as you get back. We want to see lots of photos. Love mom and dad

At 2:33 a.m., Blogger Elicia said...

Enjoy your break and Happy Easter. I know the feeling of work never ending. Even if I leave the house....still working. lol. Have a great time!


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