Monday, November 05, 2007

Gr. 11 Reading Buddies

Thought I would post a few school pics of our recent adventures into Reading Buddies. I had this idea last year, but only started doing it regularly this year - pairing our older students up with the younger ones to read them English books. Nothing revolutionary, but I've been so happy with how it has been going. Now, my Gr. 9, 10 and 11 classes are all reading to Katharine's Gr. 1 and 2 students. It has been great for building the confidence of my students in reading aloud, as well as giving Katharine's students lots of one-on-one time. Apparently, it is the highlight of her students' weeks!

Samuel and friend - love their matching glasses!
Melody and her buddy
Marlon looking very serious reading Dr. Seuss

Dave and I are just about done a 10-day babysitting stint at Ken and Sue's, and so far, so good! Ken had to go to Peru for a conference, so Sue joined him the 2nd week to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary. We offered to look after the kids so she could go, and we're having a great time. Dave is in charge of the mornings, getting them up, breakfast ready and lunches made, etc. and I take care of getting everyone to bed. It has been quite the change from our regular routine, but we've enjoyed it. I am looking forward to going back to our quiet house next week though!
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At 8:22 a.m., Blogger Elisabeth said...

Put up pictures from babysitting!!!

At 5:10 p.m., Blogger Roger & Heather said...

Yes, let's see the babysitters doing their jobs!! We can't wait for you to get back home so we can skype with you again. I miss you....boohoo.sniff sniff


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