Friday, October 21, 2005

Camp Columba!

Well, we arrived 2 days ago, and we're having a great time so far. Camp Columba is located in a little town outside of Gore, in the far south of South Island. You can check out the camp website on our links at the side.

After just being the two of us and Abel (our car) for awhile, we're loving meeting people and making relationships. The camp manager and his family of 3 teenagers live on property, as well as 2 more full-time staff who are around our age. We are also enjoying being back in the camp atmosphere as well, very relaxed but lots going on.

So, what are we up to, you might ask? Yesterday, we both belayed a school group at the rock wall. Last night, we headed into Gore for grocery shopping and a serious stop at the Salvation Army store to stock up on some work clothes. (Making you proud, Amy!) Today, Dave has been busy building a pig pen, as the camp is looking to invest. While he slaves away, I've been working on some administrative things at the camp. I have been trying to update some of their programs by adding in some Canadian games and activities. So, if anyone remembers some of their favourite camp games, send them my way!

This weekend we're the "camp dad and mom" for a retreat of 180 youth. We're not exactly sure what that means, and we're a little scared, consindering our lack of parenting exeperience, but we're looking forward to finding out. The next few weeks will be full of running programs for school and church groups, as well as more construction and administrative projects. There's also this disturbing rumour circulating that I might be recruited to help in the kitchen, but as my mother's daughter, I'm not sure that will be a good idea.

After spending our first few weeks here "taking" from New Zealand, it's great to start being able to give back. We'll try to post some pictures of the camp soon. We hope you enjoyed the last bunch!


At 1:31 p.m., Blogger Kingfisher said...

Hmmm ... rioutous living (including overindulgence in chocolate) ... cast off clothing ... pig pen ... Starting to sound like a familiar Bible story.


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